Saturday, June 25, 2011

Anxiety and Stress is a constant work in progress for me. That is my “status update”!

I was enjoying brunch with some friends this morning.  One of my friends raised a great question about Facebook, “is it a true reality of people’s lives??”  For example people never post as a status update, “I want to divorce my husband”, “I can’t stand my mother”, “I’m struggling with depression”, “My child is driving me crazy and I wish I never had him”, “I’m broke and can’t afford my house payment”, “I feel lonely and I don’t have anyone to help me”, “I’m 20K in credit card debt”, so I was driving home…and it hit me!!! No, Facebook is not a “TRUE” reality of people’s lives.  For the most part we only see the outside, but you never really see what’s truly going on.  What’s wrong with being REAL and letting people know the truth every now and then.  We are all humans, we all make mistakes, we all need encouragement and for the most part we all just need to know that we are loved and that life can and will get better!!!
Recently, I had an anxiety set back.  I had a small anxiety attack.  I was ashamed, embarrassed and afraid.  Here I was writing a blog, and letting everyone know “how to prevent stress” and I started down the same path.  I thought “why is this happening to me all over again”! Then I realized…it’s me!! My old ways were starting to creep back in, the temptation of success started to slowly work itself back into my life.  I needed to get control.  "All man's efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied." (Ecc. 6:7). This verse means we ALWAYS want more. We work ourselves like dogs…for what? We only as humans crave more! Unless you have something to put your faith into and for me that is Jesus Christ, you will ALWAYS want more.  I had to re-group, re-focus- and re-prioritize, again. 
We all have baggage that we would like to unload, unpack, dismiss, and get rid of.  It’s just what type of baggage we put in our backpack.  Regardless of what type of baggage it might be, the answer is ALWAYS the same.  "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1-2  
I was tested and tempted recently.  I may have failed, but I know what ever was meant to harm, God can turn to good!  Your path may not always be easy; in fact it might be downright impossible. So, take a moment to think about this next statement. Who we are under pressure reveals who we really are.  Who are you???  
Anxiety and Stress is a constant work in progress for me.  That is my “status update”!

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