Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Birthing Pains

A few nights ago I had a dream. In the dream I needed to take the elevator up to the fourth floor.  There was a sign on the outside of the elevator that said “It’s a long way up, it’s a slow ride but worth the wait”.  I awoke from the dream knowing there was a lesson there that I needed to pay attention to. 

Over the past few days I have had some personal things take place that have produced some fears, worry and anxiety.  All of which have caused my body to physically feel stress which in turn have caused me to have contractions.  Contractions are the tightening and releasing of muscles.  Think about how much that can relate to stress.  As we stress we hold onto burdens that we are not meant to hold onto.  However, we can release it and our muscles relax and we are free from those burdens. 

I pray that all of you are at a point in your lives where you want to grow into better human beings.  With every growth spurt we hit, we will feel the contractions, the tightening and releasing of muscles which cause some pain but produce growth. You know the old saying “no pain, no gain”.  Well it’s true, if life was always whip cream and cherries then what would we have to keep us in remembrance of God? I always have to remind myself that I am not in control, that my heavenly father is.  His will for me is much better than what I could think up for myself. Breathe through the contractions of life, cast your cares on Him and don’t give into the pain. 

Giving birth is a slow process. You have 9 months to grow; then there is a labor process. But, just like my dream said “It’s a slow ride but worth the wait”. We need to remember… whatever contractions of life you are fighting; surrender it to the Lord.  Then let Him fight your battle, so you can hold your peace and remain in rest. (Exodus 14:4)

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