Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Anxiety Revolution-We were built for camel speed!

Have you ever felt this?
It was Feb 16th 2011, I was sipping a fruity drink on the beaches of Cancun when literally out of no where I was hit with the feeling "I need to get out of here NOW!!!" I put my People magazine down and began to pace the pool deck... then I started getting short of breath, my heart was pounding, and it began harder and harder to catch my breath.  I had NO IDEA what was going on!!! I excused my self and walked up to my hotel room...I was confused, disoriented and scared! My stomach hurt and I could not decide if I needed to throw up or poop!!! I did both!!! I then walked out of my hotel room and began to pace the floors of the hotel, I kept thinking "what is wrong with me"!!! I passed the maid almost 30 times...I know she thought I was crazy!!! Then I walked back into my room, I remember I had packed a powerful fan, I put the fan to my literally touched my nose and put it on HIGH... as the air hit my face I began to catch my breath.  Still feeling out of sorts...I walked back down to the pool deck to get my husband...I explained to him what was happening to me...we both chalked it up to "that's weired", "maybe its a reaction to the water or food". "O'well at least it didn't last that long!!!"

Feb 21st 2011-
I began to feel sever tingling in my right arm and leg around was hard to move them.  I had gone to the doctor a few days prior to discuss migraine headaches.  Well...I had a slight headache...I was told to take the migraine medicine if my headache was REALLY bad...what I was confused about was my headache was not that bad...but my tingling and lack of feeling in my right side of my body was REALLY bad!!! I did what I absolutely do NOT recommend...I "googled" my symptoms!!! I came across the reporter who had just had a migraine on the air and had the very same symptoms as me...I decided that I "must be having a migraine" so I took the medicine. But my symptoms got worse!!! I paced my bathroom, living room, basement for hours!!! With no relief.  The tingling never went away. I called my PCP around 6am.  He instructed me to go to the hospital.  I did!!! They treated me for migraines, and preformed an MRI.  Everything checked out fine...but I still could not sit still.  I asked the hospital doc if he could give me something so I could relax.  He gave me some Xanax and I went home.  From 11 am to 3:30 pm, I was "OUT OF MY MIND".  My husband felt as though something had taken over my body.  I simply COULD NOT RELAX.  Nothing seemed to help!!! As soon as I would begin to would spike back out of control again. I did not know what to do!! I had NEVER in my life experienced anything like this before!!

Feb 23rd
I manged to get ready for work and make it to my follow up appointment with my PCP.  As I paid my co-pay I began to feel the shortness of breath, tingling and the feeling of "wanting to get the heck out of here". It took all I had to sit and get my temp and blood pressure taken...I just wanted to pace the hallways.  Finally the doc came in,. We discussed my symptoms and hospital visit and he diagnosed me with "severe anxiety disorder!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!Not me...I'm always in control... I had never heard of such a thing...he wanted to put me on depression medicine and told me to stop drinking coffee-as I paced the exam room with a huge 160z cup of it!!! "But I'm not depressed"...the rest of what he said was just a blur I saw his lips moving but I did not comprehend anything...and in that moment I began my journey of "understanding anxiety" the rest of my story is amazing and nothing short of a miracle!!! I look forward to you following this story on my blog please share it with all you know that suffer from this same issue! Through God's amazing grace and love we can all be cured of stress and anxiety. 
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication (to ask for) with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" Philippians 4:6

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