Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The call that changed my life-Part four of my anxiety story

I woke up on Saturday February 26th not knowing that I would make a call that would change my life! I heard my 14 month old son crying around 7am, thankfully my mother was still staying with us to care for the boys because the sound of him crying sent my anxiety to a 6 on the scale.  I literally could not focus on anything but myself throughout all of this.  It was the one time in my life I HAD to be selfish. I did what seemed to be my normal routine of pacing my bedroom back and forth for several hours while praying on and off. Around 10:30am I checked my facebook account and saw that I had received a message back from Kristina Baum (the person GOD told me to call), her message said to call her! I picked up the phone and called her immediately.  Remember I had not spoken to her in over 7 years!!! I knew Kristina from college we were Delta Gamma Sisters!!  We only went to school together for a little over a year. I knew she was a strong Christian and a beautiful person, but that’s about all I knew about her since college. She answered the phone and proceeds to tell me that she had been through this exact thing…major panic and anxiety attacks.  Our stories mirrored each other uncannily. She was such an inspiration to me of someone who conquered anxiety and had “been there and done that”. Her WISDOM just spilled out over me…I even took notes!!! The wisdom Troy and I had prayed for was here!!! She told me to read a book called “The Anxiety Cure” by Dr. A Hart, to seek a good Christian counselor, to surround myself with people that understand me right now, to keep praying, and lastly she prayed over me. It was a very powerful conversation that meant and still means so much to me. It felt as though we were the best of friends and had known each other for life.  True Christianity is so pure and loving that if feels like family! God is our father, we are all brothers and sisters and we are to love each other that way.  I always knew that, but never really understood it!! Kristina you were my answered prayer that day, my miracle and I’m so thankful for you!
I read the book “The Anxiety Cure” in four hours! It rocked my world! It shed so much light on anxiety, medicine, and how I got where I was.  In the following days I began to regain control of my anxiety and my life!  My slate was wiped clean, I began a fresh start.
 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[a] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[b] Colossians 2:13-15 
In the next blog I will explain what I did to that reduced anxiety in my life.  Stay tuned!!!

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