Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prevent Stress-We all can do a better job at it.

Sleepless nights, racing thoughts, trouble concentrating, headaches or worse, migraines and the need for caffeine to “pick me up”?  For me that is where it began. Those were my warning signs that I ignored for several years.  Knowing what I know now…I believe I could have saved myself from the total nervous breakdown that I experienced. However, as odd as it sounds I’m thankful for it, because God has given me a platform to share my triumph over anxiety through his grace via the web. As it stands today over 1,000 people have viewed this blog, my prayers have been answered, the word is being spread and it’s all through him!!! I am truly humbled and honored that so many of you have shared your stories, and support through this blog! There truly is not much out there about anxiety and stress.  It’s almost as if stress is just accepted and a normal part of life.  If you’re not stressed then you must not be important…Right?  We have “become humans that run at supersonic jet speed, but we were built for camel speed” as Dr. A Hart puts it. Here’s the deal…stress is going to happen, even in the bible we hear Job call out from stress “The churning inside me never stops; days of suffering confront me." (Job 30:27). So I’m not being impractical by claiming that I’m completely saved from anxiety and stress.  However, I am choosing to deal with it differently now. Life is about choices…you can choose to believe in GOD or choose not to.  You can choose to believe you can get through your anxiety or believe you’re doomed for life.  Isn’t it funny that some of the best modern day quotes can be found deeply rooted in the bible, for example everyone has heard “you are what you think you are” the bible says in proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Or I know you have heard this one “don’t go to bed angry” Ephesians 4:25-26 says “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your anger.” I was floored when I found out the bible said “NOT TO GO TO BED ANGRY.” Gives you a whole new look on how current the bible really can be in our lives today.  So it’s about choices…when I began to really search for answers and truth about my anxiety…many answers were found in the word of God. Tonight I give you a challenge, choose to deal with your struggles differently. Change your thoughts, believe in your hearts you can change and heal. Here is another quote everyone has heard “knowledge is power” well again that is found in the bible “A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength” proverbs 24:5.  Educate yourself, learn about stress and do your best to prevent it.

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