Thursday, December 18, 2014

Get your mind off stress

As I was rocking Lila to sleep tonight I hummed her a tune and watched her smile and look around completely carefree! 
I take so much pleasure in those precious moments with her, (and all my kids for that matter) the alone time, where no one is watching, judging, critiquing, or looking over me. It's intimate, loving and sincere. My stress of the day just melts away! Then, I realized those are the exact moments God wants to have with us as well! 

Tonight I got the sense so strongly that if I want to be less stressed then I need to get my focus off my stress! It seems so simple but it's so hard to do. 

Stress is the enemy's way to distract you from God's goodness and faithfulness! It robs you of joy and forces you to waste energy on worry.  

God snapped a picture for me tonight while I was rocking Lila and it would caption like this...

"Child, let me rock you and hum you a tune. Let me hold you and protect you from the world. Let me guide you and love you, so you can sleep tight and rest knowing your safe with me. Do not worry or fear, because I'm always here."

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