Sunday, May 13, 2012

The road ahead

A very cool thing happened to me on Saturday May 12th during my jog.  Normally a jog is really good for clearing my head and freeing myself of the normal stresses I face every day.  However, this time my mind was very fixated on things going on in my life. I was "bad" day dreaming about thoughts were NOT good. They were stressful thoughts. I was about a mile into my jog when I started to see flutters in the road way ahead of me. Almost like random wings flapping in the top right, middle and top left of my viewing angle.
(I stopped to take a photo while I was running because I knew I wanted to write about this. I photoshopped the "wings" into the road ahead to try and explain what I saw.)
I know that sounds creepy (and it kind of was) but the only thing I could think of was I was starting to see auras...those  happen before a migraine.  I thought "oh comes a migraine".  Then I really thought about it again and it did not feel like a migraine was coming on. Normally when I get a migraine I see black fuzzy dots, so I started to feel like I needed to look just ahead of me at the white painted line on the side of the road instead of WAY ahead of me like the above photo.  
I couldn't see the wings flapping in my view anymore??? HUH??? What the heck was that?? I looked WAY ahead again...there they were!!! Looked down at the road just ahead of me at the white line and they were gone!!! I thought "could that be Jesus telling me something"? So just at that moment I said out loud "Jesus you lead, I will follow.  With every step I take I will follow you and only you. I promise NOT to look ahead and worry about things.  I will just follow you"!! After saying that out loud a HUGE eagle soared directly over me about 10 feet above and chills swept over my entire body!!!!!!!  As I watched that beautiful eagle fly away...I knew I had just been taught an important lesson. 

Looking ahead and stressing about life causes confusion and chaos.  Much like those wild flapping wings I saw in my vision while running.  But, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus and following RIGHT behind him keeps my path straight and safe. That will keep me soaring to great heights like the eagle that passed above me.

I'm going to keep this prayer photo some where in my house to be my constant reminder of how God taught me this important lesson.

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