Monday, December 10, 2012

The Cost of Obedience

I don’t feel like working out today, I will do it later.  I will call my mom tomorrow.  I know my aunt is sick but I will stop by the hospital to visit her another day.  I will start my diet next month.  I will stop putting things on credit one of these days.  I will tell him “I’m sorry” eventually.  Don’t drive down that street take another route.  Do you know how many thoughts you have in a day? Have you ever had thoughts or similar thoughts like this cross your mind and you subconsciously answer them back or simply listen to them? What do you think that is?  You’re conscious, gut feelings, or the Holy Spirit?  I know now that it’s the Holy Spirit guiding me and in the last year I have felt STRONG feelings prompting me to do certain things. These feelings are real and once I learned to respond and be obedient to them, the blessings were extraordinary!  I would like to share some scenarios where the Holy Spirit asked me to do something and what happened after I was obedient. 

The first one was the decision to quit my full time sales management career to pursue motherhood and photography.  I vividly remember the night God spoke to my heart and said “give up control”.  I further explored that, and He was saying “surrender your life to me, let me lead and you can follow” Although I was not immediately obedient in leaving that career, I finally did and God has blessed me and my family more than I can possibly describe to you.  The first month of being a stay at home mommy, I realized just how much I was missing out on before.  I now get to be a part of their days, laughter, tears, poopy pants, fights, hugs and kisses!  I see my children differently now and I’m so grateful to God for the new found time I get to spend with them. Then photography, WOW!!!!! God has rocked our world with it.  My first month of solely doing photography (only part time, remember I’m primarily a mommy nowJ) we opened a studio space and have stayed booked solid!  I have more time to be with God, help raise my family and be the successful business woman I believe God has designed me to be. If that is not cool enough, I get to do this all with one of my best friends because we are business partners! I truly believe God is blessing our path and showing us favor because we were BOTH obedient in HIM.  He said “it’s time to move on” and we did. 

The second situation was about three months ago.  I learned that a young 23 year old man, (that use to date one of my family members) was struck by a car while running a marathon.  He suffered severe brain injuries and is now living in a care center unable to care or speak for himself.  God put it on my heart to go and pray for him one on one.  I have to be honest; I didn’t want to do it.  Not because I didn’t care about this man, but because it was uncomfortable for me.  I had NEVER done that before and I was worried about what people would think of me if they found out I did that.  Also, it takes time and frankly I had other things I wanted to fill my time up with.  Well, one day after my own personal doctor’s appointments I decided I was finally going to be obedient to God and GO pray for this young man.   I was scared out of my mind! I kept thinking…how am I going to do this?  What am I going to pray for?  What if I chicken out?  What if the nurses and people there think I’m weird?  Oh boy, so many thoughts went through my head, but I got it together, said a little prayer and made my way into the care center.  I was instantly greeted by a nurse who led me straight to this young man’s room.  Another nurse, who happened to be his actual nurse, was in the room already treating and caring for him.   I introduced myself to her and said why I was there and she positioned him so he could see me.  I spoke loudly to this young man and reintroduced myself, he groaned very loudly and his nurse told me “oh that means he knows who you are!.  I thought to myself, “how wonderful, he is responsive and knows who I am!!!”  The nurse left us some privacy.  I leaned over his bed and began to pray for him.  I told him how proud I was of him and how strong he was.  I told him that I believed in him and that I know God is healing him.  I encouraged him with some scripture I could think of in the moment, but just then, I felt God ask me to “sing to him”.  Without hesitation I sang “Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone”.  I held his hand as I gently sang this song to him and tears dripped from both of his eyes.  In that moment, I realized GOD IS WITH US!!!! This sweet young man was REALLY hearing this song and feeling God as I was in the moment.  I wiped his tears and mine and praised God for the incredible moment that just took place. I ended my time with him and left the room.  I was on a high from God’s grace and love!  I know that God is blessing and healing this young man and I look forward to the time God directs me back to his room again to pray.

The last situation happened just recently.  There is a woman in my husband’s home town community that has a rare type of cancer.  Her treatment options are God and God alone.  She had really been on my heart lately and last time I was back in my husband’s home town, I felt led to go pray with her in person.  I had never met her face-to-face but I just knew God was calling me to go and pray with her. Again, we had a busy weekend planned and so many things popped up in my mind as to why I should not go and do this…But thankfully, this time I listened to God’s leading and called her up and asked If I could stop by and pray with her.  She joyfully accepted. I got there and instantly, I felt connected to her like a sister.  She told me that very morning, she had prayed specifically for someone to come and pray with her; Shortly after her prayer, her phone rang and it was me asking if I could pray for her.  God is so cool! I instantly was taught a lesson in that moment that when God asks you do to do something, you better do it, because you just never know who could be counting on you.  One thing that really stood out in my mind from this awesome time with her, was that God has given her the gift of fearlessness. She 100 percent has NO fear and totally trusts God.  Here is the cool thing about God; he always uses these situations to bless both sides.  And here she thought I was there to help her… but then I realized how much she helped me too!  As you all know, I struggle with anxiety, which is totally a form of fear. This one situation alone showed me how we can always trust God NO MATTER WHAT we are facing.  We have no reason to fear, because he is in total control.  Just like with the young man, I walked out with my time with her completely and totally awed by God!

The point to all of this is obedience does cost. 
It costs us time and often being uncomfortable, but if you can get through that, the blessings on the other side are far better than the inconvenience or discomfort you may feel.  The whole “it’s better to give than to receive” is so true.  Please know, I’m not telling these stories to toot my own horn, because believe me, I’m a work-in-progress myself.  I’m not always obedient and I often miss the mark.  I’m telling this because I believe God wants me to share how awesome obedience to him can truly be.   So, I’m going to leave you with these last thoughts.  What gut feeling have you had lately that you are putting off?  Who may be counting on you to come through for them?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Powerful thoughts are faithful thoughts

With my recent set back with anxiety over the Bahamas vacation, I have really tried to tap into fear and what it really means.  I don’t mean I dwelled on fear itself, but studied how the enemy uses it to destroy us.  Fear comes in so many forms like; anxiety, guilt, and insecurities, just to name a few.  We all experience fear in some way.  I believe it’s the enemy’s greatest attempt to bring us down.  In 2 Timothy 1:7 God says “he did not give us the spirit of fear” so what does that really mean?  If God did not give us that…then it must come from his adversary…right?  Instead it says “he gives us the spirit of power, love and sound mind”.  I don’t know about you but I feel farthest from a sound mind when I’m fearful and anxious.  It wasn’t till recently, God had me learn more about the enemy’s tactics.  The bible does say that the enemy prowls around like a lion waiting to destroy us.  YUCK!!! BUT, the good news is now that we know we can equip ourselves to fight and be more than conquers through Christ, we can settle fear once and for all. I do believe God allowed my last set back but he was with me every step of the way, I came out of that trial stronger and wiser then I was before.  I learned that the enemy is real, that he uses our mind against us and like Joyce Meyer says in her best seller book it truly is a “battlefield of the mind”. 

Your mind is where it all takes place.  It's where the throw down happens, the true boxing match begins.  Seriously, that is what comes to mind when I think about the enemy trying to take me down. I see him throwing a punch and me dogging and weaving out of the way.  Here is a punch he has been throwing at me lately “Too much good is happening to you, your luck will run out and you will get a bad disease”.  So, I dodge and weave around that punch by halfheartedly wondering if that is really true?  Is my luck out, is God done blessing me and my family?  OF COURSE NOT!!!!  He is so far from being done in his blessings.  His word says our greatest days are still ahead of us.  We are the head and not the tail.  His blessing are for a lifetime and NOT a season!!! So all I really need to do is throw one mighty punch back his way with the WORD of God.  Do you know that is our sword, the word of God?  I didn’t till recently.  God’s word, the bible is our punch of defense when the enemy attacks us.   So, I finally wised up and with all my strength and might I got down on my knees and said “I WILL NOT be fearful anymore, the lord is my strong tower who protects me always, I have nothing to FEAR because my God is always with me, what the enemy meant for my harm, God will turn to good”.  Then I gave it over to the Lord and prayed for continual strength in this area.   Now, please note, the enemy is a PEST!!! He comes back and lingers, he is ANNOYING!!! Go with me here on this illustration.  Imagine flies on a cow’s nose, eyes and body.
Have you ever noticed how annoying that looks for a cow, they are all up in the cow’s business. I have often watched that (my husband’s family lives on a farm, just in case you’re wondering why I watch thatJ) and thought man that is sucky for the cow, but then it dawned on me that that is exactly how the enemy is.  He is all up in our business trying to annoy and break us down.  If he can get us fearful instead of faithful then we won’t have a reason to trust God.  But, if we trust God and tell the enemy to flee like an annoying fly on a cows nose then we have just won the battle.  The word says the enemy must flee at the mention of Jesus name!! So exercise that right to swing that punch and give the enemy a final knock out once and for all. 

My prayer for this post is that I can help people not live in fear, including myself and that we can learn to trust God in ALL aspects of our life. That we are not defined by our circumstances, that we are only defined by how big and powerful our God is that we serve.  

***My amazing proof reader (husband) is in a deer stand, so please have grace with my grammatical errors :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Total Knock Out

Recently, God blessed Troy and I with the opportunity to relax in the Bahamas but what's even better about this trip is the majority of the expenses were covered because I was also shooting a wedding! Anyway, as I took my seat on the plane the classic signs of anxiety for me kicked into high gear. Tingling, upset stomach and shortness of breath. I started to freak! The thought of having to use that crazy small bathroom on the plane with an upset stomach gave me more anxiety! Then of course the darn seat belt light is I'M stuck. Being on a plane with anxiety is awful. I have an idea...they should make enclosed patios on the side of an air plane so people with anxiety can GET OUT and breathe. (I know that's not possible but it would be nice :)

I find it so interesting that whenever you're trying to relax, escape and enjoy, the Enemy tries to steal it from you. He comes "to kill, STEAL and destroy". So I prepared for battle and started claiming victory over this attack. I had Troy pray for me and reached out to a prayer partner during a layover. Then I did some breathing exercises and thanked God that I had been redeemed from anxiety and told myself this battle is already won. Finally, I turned on my praise and worship music, and began praying and speaking God's word over my attack. My bible verse for the day said "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)  Well, I didn't barf on my plane seat neighbor and I didn't need to breathe in a brown paper bag, thank God. However, this was not over. Little did I know the battle had just begun. Round one goes to God.

Round two began when we reached the resort.  It picked up again and spiraled out of control. We got in on a Wednesday afternoon and I was not able to leave my room and enjoy myself until Thursday afternoon. When I say "enjoy myself" it means one hour or so where the anxiety lessened and then it would rear its ugly head again. I have to admit, I let the enemy in and it whispered fearful thoughts to me this time around.  I was in a foreign place and scared, so it just amounted to so much more then it really was.  The enemy is great at complicating situations and spilling fear into them. He bends the truth just enough to create more and more fear. Also, I think it's important to note that over the past few weeks I had been feeling signs of anxiety. As I took some time to reflect on why it was happening to me again, I realized that I had gotten off track.  The word says we are to put God first and make him our first priority. Somewhere in the hectic time of transitioning into my new "stay-at-home life" to be better mommy and leaving my old life of sales manager, I missed the mark.  I started planning for my new life and filling it with STUFF again. Stuff that would keep me away from God and my family. How could I be so dumb? God gave me this opportunity and I was planning to waste it on works of the flesh again, instead of being lead by him. I quickly repented from that and asked God to forgive me.  I also repented because for that last 24 hours, I was listening to the Devil's lies and it was creating unbelief and doubt, which was hendering my recovery from this attack.

With a clear mind now, I was able to rest in the promises of our lord.  God wants a relationship with us.  He wants time with us and he wants us to communicate with him.  You have to understand how much God loves you! He wants to fight your battles, he wants you to divide and conquer over the enemy! He is with you, and he adores you, he wants to prosper you and restore whatever is bringing you down. No matter how big or small, bring it all to him and lay it at the cross.

So the constant prayer and praise began. What does praying, speaking God's word and praise do for you in a trial? Well, prayer brings it to his attention. Even though he is an "ALL knowing" God, it's about communication. Imagine your upset with a friend, husband, or family member, if you don't communicate with that person then you can't get the issue resolved. It's the same with God, he wants your requests/prayers to be made known. Prayer also helps you change your mind. You see, if I kept thinking my initial thoughts of "oh crap, here comes a panic attack. I'm going to be hopstialized in a foreign place. It's never going to go away. I will be stuck here. It's going to get worse. I will never be free from this!" Then I very well could've been defeated. BUT, I know God doesn't want that for my prayers changed my thoughts, because God's truths are opposite of those thoughts. God's thoughts are "I'm more than a conqueror, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, be anxious for nothing, God will fight my battles". Then slowly my tingling, shortness of breath began to slow up. Praise God! During the attack, my praise and worship music was pumping in my ears on and off. I knew I would get through it with my Lord and I wanted to fill my soul with praise to release my faith into the heavens! Worship and praise is a great way to show thanksgiving. It's important to "praise God in all circumstances".

 I took it step-by-step on Thursday afternoon.  I asked for one thing at a time.  First, to be able to eat and keep down lunch. Second, to enjoy some time at the pool. Third, to be able to work out. Fourth, to go to dinner with Troy and lastly, some sound sleep and rest.  All of those things happened but not without a fight and constant prayer to God. Nevertheless, they still happened.  Round two goes to God!

Round three began with friday, the wedding day!  I knew God brought us here for a reason.  His plan and will is perfect.  His timing is always perfect. Even though I was struggling through my time in the Bahamas, I knew there was a great purpose behind it. The morning began rough, but through God's amazing grace, I was able to focus and photograph the wedding!

You can tell God was with me on this shoot! 

We left early the next day by choice and the anxiety set in again. We had two layovers to get through. I managed to get sick and be very anxious in the first flight. During the first layover, I reached out to some friends and found out something remarkable! The anxiety event that was at my home church (during my time in the Bahamas) and was featuring my testimony video was a HUGE success. They had to bring in more chairs for the overflow and many, many women's lives were changed and saved! It's no wonder the Enemy was trying so hard to bring me down. I was told he was fighting the good fight with other key women that were involved in that event as well. I wanted to dance in the airport! I became so overwhelmed with God's glory and power. Then I remembered again the daily verse that came up on my phone ."I have fought the fight, finished the race, I have kept the faith". I knew this battle was almost over.
Video From Church On Anxiety (Watch the video by clicking on the link)

We got home and I struggled with morning anxiety again.  It lingered for hours and hours.  I was weak and tired from battling it.  I knew deep down there was a "bigger" reason why I was going through this again. We went to church and the worship band played a song called "Always". I had never heard it before, it brought me to tears of praise.  Later, I checked my phone and my best friend had texted me at the same moment that I was worshipping to that song this "Just heard the most amazing song for you, Kristain Stanfill, "Always"." WOW!!! God is ALWAYS with us.  I wish I could say that I was done fighting anxiety at this point, but I wasn't.  Monday rolled around and I woke with anixiety and it stayed around.  I was at a very weak moment and I reached out to a prayer partner who prayed heavily for me.  She felt strongly that it was time to surrender this fight to Jesus.  In Psalms 18:17 it says "He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes who were too strong for me." This battle was bigger than me and it was time for me to rest in Jesus.  We prayed together a VERY strong prayer of surrender and I had peace. The peace that almost melts you away to sleep.  But, the Enemy came and robbed it.  He threw darts at me and I was having a hard time shielding them off.  Called her again and we agreed to disagree with every fiery dart he was throwing. The days became better and I was finally able to get back to my life. But during this, I realized the battle between good and evil is REAL.  We MUST protect our minds. You can do this by wearing the sheild of faith and knowing the good news! God always wins, round three goes to God... total knock out!

Monday, August 27, 2012

I’m Taking a Leap of Faith

I just recently told my employer of eight years that I’m going to resign to be a caretaker and supporter to my incredible husband and beautiful boys.  It was July 11th , 9:30 am to be exact, as I was driving in to the office to let my bosses know my decision.  During the drive in, many thoughts and feelings were rushing through my head and body.  I was anxious, nervous, sick to my stomach, and scared.  
I had a flashback to about a year ago when I heard from the Lord.  I was having a panic attack that day about the demands of life in general; being a working mom, trying to care for my children and trying to balance it all.  I wept on my bed and prayed to God “What do I do?  Why is this happening to me?  How do I do this all?  Then I heard Him say, “Give up control”.   When I heard Him say that to me, I did not know what it meant then, but it has stuck with me ever since.  Over the past few months, I have felt more and more that God is pulling me out of my career as a medical sales rep and manager into something new.  The something new is very unclear, although I know that it’s primarily to be a caretaker and supporter for my family.   I do believe, however, that He has something MORE planned for me.
I began my career as a selfish woman who was apathetic toward God.  I did everything in my own strength and nothing in His.  My job was more important than my family and God.  I became stressed out, anxious and it continued like that for many years.  God allowed me to break, and I suffered a severe nervous breakdown in February of 2011.  God used that trial in me to build character and mold me into a more Christ-like person of which I’m forever grateful for.  
I learned many things in that trial with one of the most important things being; the Bible is a road map for success.  Not only that, it’s our protection and weapons against evil.  You have heard it said, “Knowledge is power”.  In Hosea 4:6 it says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge”.  The biggest thing I “lacked knowledge” in was not putting God first in my life.  That is His greatest commandment; Jesus tells us that in Matthew 22:37, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  This means your family is not first, your job is not first, your money is not first, YOUR life is not first…JESUS is first.  Once I finally “knew” that, (really understood it), I decided to make Jesus first in my life, became born again and had the awesome experience of being water baptized. From that day forward, my sins were wiped clean and my heart was new. 
So with a new heart and a new direction, I started feeling the tugs on my heart to move on from the old life, which meant giving up my career.  I knew it was what God was asking me to do and I had a deep peace about it.  However, on the surface, I was a mess.  I thought “How am I going to be a full time stay-at-home mom?  I’m going to go crazy!  How are we going to pay all our bills?  Why would God have me waste all my hard earned education on being a stay-at-home mom?” It went on and on and on!  The thoughts never let up.  Those thoughts were in FULL FORCE on the drive in to tell my bosses that I need to resign.  I wanted to chicken out, turn my van around and forget the whole thing.  Then I said a prayer. “God please help me!  I don’t want to do this!  Can you please give me another sign that this is what you are calling me to do?”  Just then, a song I have never heard before came on JOY FM , by Francesca Battistelli. The words to this song sent me into instant peace and joy.  They went like this:
“My heart beats standing on the edge
My feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat, there is no turning back
I’m letting go of life I planned for me and my dreams
I’m losing control of my destiny
It feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe
So, I’m letting go.
This is a giant leap of faith
Trusting and trying to embrace
The fear of the unknown, beyond my comfort zone”.
I heard the music differently than ever before.  It came over my speaker system amplified, almost as if God was magnifying it for me to hear it, receive it and know it was from Him.  It was all true!  I was letting go of the plan I have for me and my dreams.  So, with my heart beating out of my chest, I did it.  I jumped off the ledge, took the giant leap of faith, and told my bosses I needed to resign. 
So what did the Lord mean that day He told me, “Give up control”?  Today I know exactly what it means.   Jesus explains it in Matthew 16:24-27. We are to lay down our own lives, our own desires, and live according to His will.  We are to be led by the Holy Spirit, and wake up each and every day surrendered to Him.  I finally did that on July 11, 2012, and it officially marks the new journey of complete and total surrender. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


How often do we derail ourselves? Really think about that? How often do we operate in our own selfish ambitions? What does that mean? Let me try to explain.

It's funny, I have two boys and they LOVE their Geo-Trax, Thomas the tank engine trains and tracks.  But when they get derailed and those silly trains come off the track they get SO frustrated and angry.  I mean you would think the world is ending...and that's just silly toys. 

What if you could bypass getting derailed? Have you ever thought that maybe that is why we get so anxious and frustrated when things don't go our way? In all things I do, I have learned that consulting God first has made my likelyhood of not getting derailed much better. Don't get me wrong...I still crash and burn...but I have learned to put aside my own selfish ambitions and ask God "Is this your will for me"? Living that way creates so much peace and WAY less stress.  When you let God drive your train, sail your ship, run your can't lose!

In proverbs 20:24 it speaks of God directing our steps and that sometimes it does not make sense.  Way before a train sets off for a trip, the tracks have already been laid. That's how God operates.  He has already laid the tracks for your life.  He knows every detail of what's coming next.  When you can rest in that have no reason to worry.

What was the last decision you made? Did it create confusion, anxiety, worry and frustration?  Try asking God next time..."Is this your will for me"?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The road ahead

A very cool thing happened to me on Saturday May 12th during my jog.  Normally a jog is really good for clearing my head and freeing myself of the normal stresses I face every day.  However, this time my mind was very fixated on things going on in my life. I was "bad" day dreaming about thoughts were NOT good. They were stressful thoughts. I was about a mile into my jog when I started to see flutters in the road way ahead of me. Almost like random wings flapping in the top right, middle and top left of my viewing angle.
(I stopped to take a photo while I was running because I knew I wanted to write about this. I photoshopped the "wings" into the road ahead to try and explain what I saw.)
I know that sounds creepy (and it kind of was) but the only thing I could think of was I was starting to see auras...those  happen before a migraine.  I thought "oh comes a migraine".  Then I really thought about it again and it did not feel like a migraine was coming on. Normally when I get a migraine I see black fuzzy dots, so I started to feel like I needed to look just ahead of me at the white painted line on the side of the road instead of WAY ahead of me like the above photo.  
I couldn't see the wings flapping in my view anymore??? HUH??? What the heck was that?? I looked WAY ahead again...there they were!!! Looked down at the road just ahead of me at the white line and they were gone!!! I thought "could that be Jesus telling me something"? So just at that moment I said out loud "Jesus you lead, I will follow.  With every step I take I will follow you and only you. I promise NOT to look ahead and worry about things.  I will just follow you"!! After saying that out loud a HUGE eagle soared directly over me about 10 feet above and chills swept over my entire body!!!!!!!  As I watched that beautiful eagle fly away...I knew I had just been taught an important lesson. 

Looking ahead and stressing about life causes confusion and chaos.  Much like those wild flapping wings I saw in my vision while running.  But, keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus and following RIGHT behind him keeps my path straight and safe. That will keep me soaring to great heights like the eagle that passed above me.

I'm going to keep this prayer photo some where in my house to be my constant reminder of how God taught me this important lesson.

Monday, May 7, 2012

It's been a long time coming

Have you ever deep down inside known that GOD was telling you to do something?? We often refer to those as "gut feelings" We as humans do a fantastic job of not listening to our "gut feelings" It's often because we are afraid, prideful, scared, and are unwilling to give up control. Those "gut feelings" are often uncomfortable because God may be asking you to do something that you don't want to do.  In my case, God had been asking me to "give up control" for almost 10 months, but I was not ready to do that just yet. One of the many awesome things about God is...he is patient.

In February of 2011 I had a severe nervous breakdown.  It was several weeks of back to back panic attacks. It was the most difficult time of my life.  It was THAT storm that brought me to my knees (literally) asking "God why is this happening to me?".  What I have learned about "storms" in our lives is that God leads us to them and through them. In this way, he can mold us to become stronger, healthier, and more Christ-like people… IF we allow him. Up until that point in my life, I led myself.  I believed in Jesus but I did not let him lead my life. I led my own life and consulted him every now and then.  There is a HUGE difference. There are wonderful Christian’s that will absolutely make it to Heaven but are missing out on "Heaven on Earth" because they are not letting Jesus lead them.  In the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:10) it states "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. How cool is that??? You can have heaven on earth!!! God truly wants us to experience that.  We all know that this life is tough, but if you do it properly, God wants you to prosper and fulfill you in ways you have never even imagined! (Jer 29:11). But in order to achieve must "give up control". Surrender your life to him and let HIM lead and you follow.

After my breakdown I returned back to work. I did a lot of soul searching and hours reading and learning about God's word on stress and anxiety.  In everything I read, I found that being anxious and stressed out is exactly opposite of what God wants for your life. I have done and felt exaclty like these ladies in the picture!!! So, I learned about setting boundaries and staying within them.  However, my biggest lesson of surrendering "control" still was not accomplished.  I heard very clearly from God after returning back to work that I needed to let go of my sales management role.  But I just pushed aside that feeling and tried to merge it with my own interpretation of what I thought I needed. I thought "God don't you just mean that I need help with my job duties? If I just get some help, I won’t be as stressed and my life will be so much better?”  So what did I do??? I asked for an administrative assistant.  All the while, I knew deep down that I was not obeying God.  Why did I do that? Because I thought I knew better than God? No, It was because I was scared, and too prideful.  I did not know what would happen if I gave up my position as sales manager. It was the fear of the unknown. I let fear overtake me; fear is paralyzing and will often lead you into a decision that is NOT from God.  Fear comes from the enemy filling your mind with lies; remember fear is not from God. God will leave you with peace and not fear. (John 14:27) 

So many months have passed but last week the feeling of stepping down from the manager role weighed heavier and heavier on my heart.  One night during a workout, I stopped in the middle to pray, this is what I prayed, "God I’m feeling that it’s time for me to give up my management position, will you please give me some clarity to make this decision? I’m feeling God that you will put someone in my life or take someone out of my life in order to help make this decision easier, amen". The very next day my administrative assistant of 9 months resigned. WOW GOD!!!! That was quick!!! That was the "take someone out of my life in order to help make this decision easier", from my prayer.  That day at lunch she looked me in the face and tearfully said she had to move on... I knew I did too!!!! I excused myself from the lunch and went to the car to cry, I turned on Joy FM and the lyrics I heard were "I wave my white flag, I surrender, I surrender ALL to you, ALL to you"!  God gave me a second chance to get it right and this time I’m going to be obedient and give up control fully and surrender it all to him!

To date I did one of the hardest things I have ever done.  I stepped down as sales manager from a job and company that I adore.  ***I am still employed there as a Sales Rep, just no longer managing *** 

My prayer for this blog post is that you find the strength to dig deep and to be obedient to what God is asking of you. After all, Daddy knows best. :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thanks be to God-coming off an antidepressant

It was a Tuesday when I completely finished taking the half dosage of Celexa my doctor was weaning me from, which meant I was DONE with my anxiety meds! I was so excited.  It felt like such an accomplishment to overcome anxiety and not need to lean on medication anymore. (**Disclaimer below)Three days had passed with little side effects or withdrawal symptoms.  I felt wonderful!!! Then day four…the withdrawal symptoms started.  I began to feel VERY dizzy.  By dizzy... I mean my eyes had LOTS of trouble refocusing when I changed my viewing angle.  It took a second or two to re-adjust. Any quick movements made it so much worse.  There were several days during this where I did not feel safe to drive long distances.  It took lots of focus and concentration to keep the dizziness from overwhelming me. With the severe dizziness I had nausea and tension headaches in the back of my head and neck.  I also had sweats…my neck and head would get VERY hot to the touch.  Along with all these symptoms, I had "rebound" anxiety.  I know what you’re thinking…"What the heck? That sounds awful”.  It’s not fun, BUT it will end and I will overcome it.  Also, what you need to know is that it’s completely normal!!!
Because I didn’t know what to expect, I honestly let those symptoms overtake me and the depression would sink in.  I would have thoughts running through my mind like “you're doomed to be on this medicine for life”, “everyone thinks you’re crazy and nobody believes you're dizzy”, “you're such a wimp”, “can’t you just go back on the medication, it would be SO much easier than this”, “you're husband doesn’t believe you”,  “you just want attention”, “it’s going to get worse before it gets better”, “you are going to have this for months”, “YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER”.  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just want to scream!!!!!!! You want to crawl up in a hole and forget about the world!!! That would be easier right??? Wrong!!!! That’s what the enemy wants you to do!!! I did wise up…but I’m admitting that I struggled with it. It WAS a battle…a battle between GOOD and EVIL!!! But, the good news is…the battle is already WON!!!!! Jesus won it for us on the cross!
You see the enemy IS real!!! He comes to “steal and destroy” from us.  He tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness when Jesus was at his very weakest (Luke 4:1-3 read’s powerful) He strikes when we are WEAK, DOWN and already BROKEN!!! Let me clear something up…some of you may think “Christy you are full of crap, you were having physical withdrawal symptoms from the medication”. Yes I was and that was not from the devil, but the evil thoughts, THEY WERE FOR SURE. What did the enemy do to Eve in the garden? Put thoughts in her mind about why it was OK to eat the forbidden apple. You see the enemy attacks your mind!!! It’s the easiest way to reach you and it’s even easier when you are DOWN. You have heard the saying “kick em while they’re down”…that’s the point.  You must overcome that…be a fighter! Don’t allow the enemy to LIE to you like that and DON'T let him "kick you while you're down"! Don't let yourself get beat up by the enemy feeding posion into your mind like I did. In fact, I learned something so powerful today, our pastor from Element Church, Erik Lawson, said something brilliant..."when you beat yourself up, your basically saying that the beating Jesus took at the cross was not enough".  That hit home for me! 
So how do you overcome this? Well, I’m not done with these symptoms and challenges yet!  But, I’m standing on God’s promises, “I’m more than a conquerer” and “he will restore my health and heal my wounds”! Amen!!!

**Disclaimer- I am ALL for medication when used properly…my anxiety over a year ago was TOO FAR gone and I’m 100% certain the medication was instrumental in my recovery!  If you are suffering with anxiety, please know it’s serious and you must get a handle on it.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kids got it...why don't we??

I know you have heard of Child like faith.  What does that really have child like faith??? I thought about that a lot....and this photo made me come up with some answers.  To be full of joy, love life, have fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Children don't worry about what they wear, who they hang around, what they are going to do next in their day. They just enjoy life!!!

We are instructed by the Lord to do the same.
But we can't have child like faith most of the time because we don't stop to do what God tells us.  He simply says "Be Anxious about nothing".  Boy, do I mess that one up a lot.  It's hard to be anxious about nothing!!! However, if you bring it to him in prayer and be thankful for what you should be able to bypass the whole "anxious" thing.

I recently had a friend pull me aside and tell me that she prayed in a time of need (which she has NEVER done) and she was totally floored by how God answered her prayers. She openly admitted that when she read prior blogs of mine that she thought I was being dramatic on how God answered my prayers...but she now knows personally how powerful prayers are!!!   Why don't we pray more??? I know for me it was because I simply just didn't think to do it. I always thought that I was strong enough to get through whatever might be troubling me. That's not the case...God is the ONLY one strong enough, big enough and powerful enough to get you through. There is NOTHING too big or too small that you shouldn't bring to God by prayer and petition. That is what he longs for...a relationship with you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Anxiety Anniversary!!

Troy and I at a nice dinner at our resort in Cancun.  Im so thankful to him for his love and support!!!
Feb 16th marks the one year anniversary of my diagnosis the doctor called “severe anxiety disorder”.  Ironically enough I’m in Cancun again where my story began! However, this time I’m stronger, happier and more fulfilled then I have ever been in my life!!!  
The past twelve months have been full of revelation, growth and maturity for me.  It took hard work and determination to overcome this “disorder” and I’m currently working towards a goal of coming off my anxiety medicine so my husband and I can become pregnant again!
The hard work it took to overcome this…goes a little something like this.  Have you ever seen someone buy a gym membership and NEVER use it??? I’m sure you have you ever seen someone buy the gym membership then try to get their money back because they did not lose any weight, but never went to the gym??  Sounds silly right?? Really, this is just an example to point out that you have to put work into things you want to overcome!!! First and the most important I put God first! Second, I took the time to educate myself on anxiety and what it means to “have anxiety”.  Third, I changed the things in my life that helped cause the anxiety. Fourth, I started taking care of myself better with exercise and diet. None of these things were easy but ALL of them help with controlling anxiety.  You see, anxiety is nothing more than worrying about something that has already happened or has not happened yet. We are not in control of the future and we have to move on from the past.   In Ecclesiastes 5:1 it says “Keep your foot [give your mind to what you are doing]. Be in the moment…don’t worry about the future or things that have happened in the past. In Matthew 6:34 it says “Do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for each day is its own trouble”.
My battle with anxiety turned when  1)  Troy and I turned it over to God 2) asked for wisdom and admitted that we did not know what to do to change it 3) placed our fears, hopes and prayers upon the Lord.
If you are suffering with anxiety right now…no matter how big or small I encourage you to do the same thing I did.  Give it up to God.  He will direct your path!