Saturday, June 21, 2014

Faith Is Foolish

I recently photographed the birth of a baby that did not live very long after she was born.  God placed it on my heart to be there for this sweet family and to capture this precious time for them.  When God called me to do it, I  thought “YES, God…I can’t wait for you to heal this sweet baby and to give you all the glory for the miracle”, I was praying for this since her medical reports did not look good.  I got a group of strong prayer warriors together and we began to pray for God’s healing power and a miracle.  We stood in faith and believed with our whole hearts that this baby would be healed!

Before I continue, I just want to take the time to define faith with God’s word.  We throw that word out in phrases all the time “You got to have faith, Keep your faith, Faith can move mountains, Don’t lose faith.”  Do we really understand what faith is? God says faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen (Hebrews 11).  So myself and these prayer warriors had confidence that what we were hoping and praying for (the healing of this baby) would actually happen! That’s faith!  But if you reason that out, look at the doctor reports, listen to what everyone else is telling you, believing for that miracle looks incredibly foolish! Many times, having faith doesn’t make sense.  It’s a deep trust in God that He is bigger, stronger and wiser than any situation you are facing.  Faith gives us the assurance about things we cannot see (Hebrews 11).   That’s just it; we cannot see faith so that’s what makes it so hard!  In order for us to believe something we have to see it in action!  I mean come on…we live in the “Show Me State”.  But God says again, “By Faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen (Hebrews 11:3).”  So we have to believe first in the things that CANNOT be seen and THEN we will be able to see what we believed for by faith.  So nobody looks at an empty coffee pot and believes for a full pot before it’s ever made, right?  But, Faith asks us to believe for the full pot of coffee before it’s ever even made, which doesn’t make sense! I know that’s a silly example, but it’s a practical way to explain faith.  Lastly, it is impossible to please God without faith!  The entire chapter of Hebrews 11 explains the big shots of the bible, like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses…they ALL had BIG BIG faith.  Because of their faith, they are remembered throughout history for it and made examples of, in order to sharpen our faith. 

Now to touch on the foolishness that you feel when the things you had faith for don’t come to pass. First, that’s the devil trying to tell you “God didn’t come through for you, you look stupid for believing for that miracle” Believe me…this has happened to me several times!  I had BIG BIG faith for certain situations and they just didn’t pan out like what I had faith for! But, the outcome of a situation does not negate the fact that God still asks us to have faith in everything we do! God calls us to have BIG BIG faith, and NOT to doubt!  We are to trust God’s goodness always.  When you fly in an air plane you can see wayyyyy more than what you can see on the ground, think of all the distance you can see from that viewpoint.  Think of how much God can see from his perspective on the throne.  He sees things we just can’t see!  He always knows best!  

I would like to dedicate this blog post to this sweet baby that is in Jesus’s arms today.  The parents had the choice to abort her at 20 weeks, but they gave her a chance at life.  She has taught me more about faith in her short time on earth then anything in my walk so far!  I pray, that her life inspires you to have BIG BIG faith, always!