Monday, December 10, 2012

The Cost of Obedience

I don’t feel like working out today, I will do it later.  I will call my mom tomorrow.  I know my aunt is sick but I will stop by the hospital to visit her another day.  I will start my diet next month.  I will stop putting things on credit one of these days.  I will tell him “I’m sorry” eventually.  Don’t drive down that street take another route.  Do you know how many thoughts you have in a day? Have you ever had thoughts or similar thoughts like this cross your mind and you subconsciously answer them back or simply listen to them? What do you think that is?  You’re conscious, gut feelings, or the Holy Spirit?  I know now that it’s the Holy Spirit guiding me and in the last year I have felt STRONG feelings prompting me to do certain things. These feelings are real and once I learned to respond and be obedient to them, the blessings were extraordinary!  I would like to share some scenarios where the Holy Spirit asked me to do something and what happened after I was obedient. 

The first one was the decision to quit my full time sales management career to pursue motherhood and photography.  I vividly remember the night God spoke to my heart and said “give up control”.  I further explored that, and He was saying “surrender your life to me, let me lead and you can follow” Although I was not immediately obedient in leaving that career, I finally did and God has blessed me and my family more than I can possibly describe to you.  The first month of being a stay at home mommy, I realized just how much I was missing out on before.  I now get to be a part of their days, laughter, tears, poopy pants, fights, hugs and kisses!  I see my children differently now and I’m so grateful to God for the new found time I get to spend with them. Then photography, WOW!!!!! God has rocked our world with it.  My first month of solely doing photography (only part time, remember I’m primarily a mommy nowJ) we opened a studio space and have stayed booked solid!  I have more time to be with God, help raise my family and be the successful business woman I believe God has designed me to be. If that is not cool enough, I get to do this all with one of my best friends because we are business partners! I truly believe God is blessing our path and showing us favor because we were BOTH obedient in HIM.  He said “it’s time to move on” and we did. 

The second situation was about three months ago.  I learned that a young 23 year old man, (that use to date one of my family members) was struck by a car while running a marathon.  He suffered severe brain injuries and is now living in a care center unable to care or speak for himself.  God put it on my heart to go and pray for him one on one.  I have to be honest; I didn’t want to do it.  Not because I didn’t care about this man, but because it was uncomfortable for me.  I had NEVER done that before and I was worried about what people would think of me if they found out I did that.  Also, it takes time and frankly I had other things I wanted to fill my time up with.  Well, one day after my own personal doctor’s appointments I decided I was finally going to be obedient to God and GO pray for this young man.   I was scared out of my mind! I kept thinking…how am I going to do this?  What am I going to pray for?  What if I chicken out?  What if the nurses and people there think I’m weird?  Oh boy, so many thoughts went through my head, but I got it together, said a little prayer and made my way into the care center.  I was instantly greeted by a nurse who led me straight to this young man’s room.  Another nurse, who happened to be his actual nurse, was in the room already treating and caring for him.   I introduced myself to her and said why I was there and she positioned him so he could see me.  I spoke loudly to this young man and reintroduced myself, he groaned very loudly and his nurse told me “oh that means he knows who you are!.  I thought to myself, “how wonderful, he is responsive and knows who I am!!!”  The nurse left us some privacy.  I leaned over his bed and began to pray for him.  I told him how proud I was of him and how strong he was.  I told him that I believed in him and that I know God is healing him.  I encouraged him with some scripture I could think of in the moment, but just then, I felt God ask me to “sing to him”.  Without hesitation I sang “Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone”.  I held his hand as I gently sang this song to him and tears dripped from both of his eyes.  In that moment, I realized GOD IS WITH US!!!! This sweet young man was REALLY hearing this song and feeling God as I was in the moment.  I wiped his tears and mine and praised God for the incredible moment that just took place. I ended my time with him and left the room.  I was on a high from God’s grace and love!  I know that God is blessing and healing this young man and I look forward to the time God directs me back to his room again to pray.

The last situation happened just recently.  There is a woman in my husband’s home town community that has a rare type of cancer.  Her treatment options are God and God alone.  She had really been on my heart lately and last time I was back in my husband’s home town, I felt led to go pray with her in person.  I had never met her face-to-face but I just knew God was calling me to go and pray with her. Again, we had a busy weekend planned and so many things popped up in my mind as to why I should not go and do this…But thankfully, this time I listened to God’s leading and called her up and asked If I could stop by and pray with her.  She joyfully accepted. I got there and instantly, I felt connected to her like a sister.  She told me that very morning, she had prayed specifically for someone to come and pray with her; Shortly after her prayer, her phone rang and it was me asking if I could pray for her.  God is so cool! I instantly was taught a lesson in that moment that when God asks you do to do something, you better do it, because you just never know who could be counting on you.  One thing that really stood out in my mind from this awesome time with her, was that God has given her the gift of fearlessness. She 100 percent has NO fear and totally trusts God.  Here is the cool thing about God; he always uses these situations to bless both sides.  And here she thought I was there to help her… but then I realized how much she helped me too!  As you all know, I struggle with anxiety, which is totally a form of fear. This one situation alone showed me how we can always trust God NO MATTER WHAT we are facing.  We have no reason to fear, because he is in total control.  Just like with the young man, I walked out with my time with her completely and totally awed by God!

The point to all of this is obedience does cost. 
It costs us time and often being uncomfortable, but if you can get through that, the blessings on the other side are far better than the inconvenience or discomfort you may feel.  The whole “it’s better to give than to receive” is so true.  Please know, I’m not telling these stories to toot my own horn, because believe me, I’m a work-in-progress myself.  I’m not always obedient and I often miss the mark.  I’m telling this because I believe God wants me to share how awesome obedience to him can truly be.   So, I’m going to leave you with these last thoughts.  What gut feeling have you had lately that you are putting off?  Who may be counting on you to come through for them?