Sunday, June 10, 2012


How often do we derail ourselves? Really think about that? How often do we operate in our own selfish ambitions? What does that mean? Let me try to explain.

It's funny, I have two boys and they LOVE their Geo-Trax, Thomas the tank engine trains and tracks.  But when they get derailed and those silly trains come off the track they get SO frustrated and angry.  I mean you would think the world is ending...and that's just silly toys. 

What if you could bypass getting derailed? Have you ever thought that maybe that is why we get so anxious and frustrated when things don't go our way? In all things I do, I have learned that consulting God first has made my likelyhood of not getting derailed much better. Don't get me wrong...I still crash and burn...but I have learned to put aside my own selfish ambitions and ask God "Is this your will for me"? Living that way creates so much peace and WAY less stress.  When you let God drive your train, sail your ship, run your can't lose!

In proverbs 20:24 it speaks of God directing our steps and that sometimes it does not make sense.  Way before a train sets off for a trip, the tracks have already been laid. That's how God operates.  He has already laid the tracks for your life.  He knows every detail of what's coming next.  When you can rest in that have no reason to worry.

What was the last decision you made? Did it create confusion, anxiety, worry and frustration?  Try asking God next time..."Is this your will for me"?