Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kids got it...why don't we??

I know you have heard of Child like faith.  What does that really have child like faith??? I thought about that a lot....and this photo made me come up with some answers.  To be full of joy, love life, have fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Children don't worry about what they wear, who they hang around, what they are going to do next in their day. They just enjoy life!!!

We are instructed by the Lord to do the same.
But we can't have child like faith most of the time because we don't stop to do what God tells us.  He simply says "Be Anxious about nothing".  Boy, do I mess that one up a lot.  It's hard to be anxious about nothing!!! However, if you bring it to him in prayer and be thankful for what you should be able to bypass the whole "anxious" thing.

I recently had a friend pull me aside and tell me that she prayed in a time of need (which she has NEVER done) and she was totally floored by how God answered her prayers. She openly admitted that when she read prior blogs of mine that she thought I was being dramatic on how God answered my prayers...but she now knows personally how powerful prayers are!!!   Why don't we pray more??? I know for me it was because I simply just didn't think to do it. I always thought that I was strong enough to get through whatever might be troubling me. That's not the case...God is the ONLY one strong enough, big enough and powerful enough to get you through. There is NOTHING too big or too small that you shouldn't bring to God by prayer and petition. That is what he longs for...a relationship with you.