Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Anxiety Anniversary!!

Troy and I at a nice dinner at our resort in Cancun.  Im so thankful to him for his love and support!!!
Feb 16th marks the one year anniversary of my diagnosis the doctor called “severe anxiety disorder”.  Ironically enough I’m in Cancun again where my story began! However, this time I’m stronger, happier and more fulfilled then I have ever been in my life!!!  
The past twelve months have been full of revelation, growth and maturity for me.  It took hard work and determination to overcome this “disorder” and I’m currently working towards a goal of coming off my anxiety medicine so my husband and I can become pregnant again!
The hard work it took to overcome this…goes a little something like this.  Have you ever seen someone buy a gym membership and NEVER use it??? I’m sure you have...now have you ever seen someone buy the gym membership then try to get their money back because they did not lose any weight, but never went to the gym??  Sounds silly right?? Really, this is just an example to point out that you have to put work into things you want to overcome!!! First and the most important I put God first! Second, I took the time to educate myself on anxiety and what it means to “have anxiety”.  Third, I changed the things in my life that helped cause the anxiety. Fourth, I started taking care of myself better with exercise and diet. None of these things were easy but ALL of them help with controlling anxiety.  You see, anxiety is nothing more than worrying about something that has already happened or has not happened yet. We are not in control of the future and we have to move on from the past.   In Ecclesiastes 5:1 it says “Keep your foot [give your mind to what you are doing]. Be in the moment…don’t worry about the future or things that have happened in the past. In Matthew 6:34 it says “Do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for each day is its own trouble”.
My battle with anxiety turned when  1)  Troy and I turned it over to God 2) asked for wisdom and admitted that we did not know what to do to change it 3) placed our fears, hopes and prayers upon the Lord.
If you are suffering with anxiety right now…no matter how big or small I encourage you to do the same thing I did.  Give it up to God.  He will direct your path!