Wednesday, December 14, 2011

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree

 A few weeks ago my lovely family and I were decorating the Christmas Tree.  It's  a huge 10ft tree that is pre-lit.  We got the entire thing up, plugged in and ALL the lights but one little section were out!!!! My husband got the grand idea of putting outside HUGE LED bulb lights on the tree.  So we put them on the tree, plugged it in and....only part of the strain worked. We were left with about 20 lights total on the whole 10ft tree that worked and lots of wasted time.  Oh... how stressful a little thing like decorating a tree can actually become...IF YOU LET IT.

In dealing with my anxiety issues, I have learned that I have choices to make.  I could of chosen in this Christmas tree saga above to curse and throw a huge fit and let the entire situation ruin my night...which I believe I would have done in the past, instead I took a deep breath and remember how blessed I truly am to even be able to put a tree up in the first place.  I took one look at my beautiful boys and how they were so excited to be decorating the tree... with or with out lights...and in that moment...I decided the tree DOES NOT NEED lights this year!!!

In Romans 12:16 we learn that it is wise to plan, but if things don't go our way we must be flexible. I have learned in every situation in my life I need to surrender control. The simple fact is we are not in control...GOD is. Once I truly understood that...the chains of anxiety started to fall from me.  We have all heard the saying "everything happens for a reason" something I like to think that seconds that point is Romans 8:28 this is the scripture that lets us know that, NOT ALL THINGS are good, but God works everything together for HIS good.

Whatever you are facing this Holiday season, remember to think good thoughts and choose to be thankful.  Trust God...he has got your back. It has been said "he will never leave you or forsake you"! That's good news!!!